1. Why is communication important?
I personally think that communication is very important as communication is a form or way to err communicate and interact with one another, without communication the whole world would be out of order, and there will be chaos.
In fact without communication I would not be typing this out right now, nobody will understand.
We will be the dumbest species in the universe. ( that's what i think)
2. What is/are your favourite forms of communication? Why?
Erm... this would be verbal- communication...gestures..body language..facial expressions..eye contact...every single twitch any part of your body can mean something. eg. A little rolling of the eye can mean.. bored.. ignoring u..restless....
3. How do you decide which form of communication to use in a situation?
Erm...Depends on the situation..eg.Like if I was a teacher and students are talking at the wrong time out of control I would use body language by folding up my arm and waiting for them..
4. What difficulties do you face in communicating with others?
Some of other people won't understand all the forms of communication so we should always know when to use forms of communication at different times.
I also want to add that learning more about communication and using it at the right time and way can actually capture your audiences and advertise things better.
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